Volkswagen【vwodis】Volkswagen MIB MOI3 5F MOI3_RECOV_R9900L_5FA919360AM+MOI3_RECOV_R9900L_5FA919360AS
Volkswagen【vwodis】Volkswagen MIB MOI3 5F MOI3_RECOV_R9900L_5FA919360AM+MOI3_RECOV_R9900L_5FA919360AS
Volkswagen【vwodis】Volkswagen MIB MOI3 5F MOI3_RECOV_R9900L_5FA919360AM+MOI3_RECOV_R9900L_5FA919360AS
MOI3_RECOV_R9900L_5FA919360AM Size:502KB
MOI3_RECOV_R9900L_5FA919360AS Size:906KB
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Hello, I intend to purchase the file: moi3_recov_r9900l_5fa919360am , can I use it alone without special equipment. Any instruction on how to work with it? Thanks!
MIB Firmware Only need USB Flash Driver
This file is used to restore a corrupted infotayment system, and then the software can be loaded again. The system works, but only stably in service mode.
Last question, is this file compatible with MOI3_EU_VW 5H0035820D. Many thanks!
this no sure,you need test